New high rank publication in Nature Nanotechnology
We are pleased to anounce a new publication in Nature Nanotechnology titeled "Expansion-enhanced super-resolution radial fluctuations enable nanoscale molecular profiling of pathology specimens" by Dominik Kylies and Victor Puelles (project A9).
New high rank publication in Science Translational Medicine
We are happy to anounce another important publication of project A1 with the title " CD4+ T cells produce GM-CSF and drive immune-mediated glomerular disease by licensing monocyte derived cells to produce MMP12" in Science Translational Medicine.
UKE celebrates the new building HCTI
New building for cutting-edge immunological and infectious diseases research: UKE celebrates topping-out ceremony
Franz Volhard Prize 2022 awarded to PD Dr. Elion Hoxha
Congratulations to PD Dr. Elion Hoxha who was awarded the Franz Volhard Prize 2022 at the DGfN anual meeting.
15.03.2023 - Lab Meeting
Oliver Steinmetz will present the research concept of sub project A3 at our weekly lab meeting.
22.02.2023 - Lab Meeting
Hans-Willi Mittrücker and Nicola Gagliani will present the research concept of sub project A4 at our weekly lab meeting.
15.02.2023 - Lab Meeting
Felicitas E. Hengel, Tobias B. Huber and Matthias Wilmanns will present the research concept of sub project B2 at our weekly lab meeting.
08.02.2023 - Lab Meeting
Katrin Neumann, Immo Prinz and Stefan Bonn will present the research concept of sub project A2 at our weekly lab meeting.
25.01.23 - Lab Meeting
Thorsten Wiech and Tilo Freiwald will present the research concept of sub project B6 at our weekly lab meeting.
11.1.23 - Lab Meeting
Markus Rinschen will present the research concept of sub project B10 at our weekly lab meeting.
3.1.23 - New Publication
We are happy announce a new publication from our project A4 in PNAS titled: "Kidney-resident innate-like memory γδ T cells control chronic Staphylococcus aureus infection of mice".
14.12.22 - Lab Meeting
Nicola Wanner and Nicola Tomas will present concepts of project B5 at our weekly lab meeting.
7.12.22 - Lab Meeting
Christian Kurts and Sibylle von Vietinghoff will present project A8 of the CRC at the forthcoming lab meeting.
30.11.22 - Guest Lecture
We are happy to have Prof. Jens Titze (Duke-NUS Medical School in Singapore) for a guest lecture with us to talk about ''Pathophysiology of hypertension and muscle wasting in chronic renal failure''.
23.11.22 - Lab Meeting
Our next lab meeting will be about "Systems Biology approach to identify molecular processes underlying MCD and FSGS" presented by Sonja Hänzelmann and Anne Mühlig from project B8.
16.11.22 - Lab Meeting
Sibylle von Vietinghoff will present sub project A8 with the title "Inflammation in extreme environments".
9.11.22 - Lab Meeting
After the ASN in Orlando, our lab meetings will continue with the associated TCR group around Immo Prinz with the following title: "Screening and prediction of TCR-pMHC interaction"
4.10.22 - New Publication
We are pleased to anounce a new publication titled in Kidney International as part of Gunther Zahner’s DFG project ZA163/12-1 in collaboration with CRC projects B2 and B3.
21.9.22 - Lab Meeting
Peter Zipfel will present subproject B6 and speak about: "Sequence variations of FHR1 gene influence complement regulation and cooperation with complement regulators."
14.9.22 - Lab Meeting
On our upcoming CRC lab meeting Shiwa Soukou-Wargalla will present subproject A5 and talk about: "Emergence and function of IL-10-producing Type 1 regulatory (Tr1) T cells in crescentic glomerulonephritis"
31.8.22 - Lab Meeting
Since the summer break has ended, we will continue with our lab meetings. Dominik Kylies will present his project with the title: „Nanoscale tissue profiling using expansion-enhanced super-resolution radial fluctuations (ExSRRF)“
18.5.22 - Lab Meeting
Jan Eric Turner and Nikhat Shaikh will present subproject A6 and talk about ‘’Innate and innate-like lymphocytes as targets for therapeutic interventions’’.
12.5.22 - New Publications
Two new papers have been published in Cells titled: "Pathogenic T-Cell Responses in Immune-Mediated Glomerulonephritis" and "Antigen Cross-Presentation by Murine Proximal Tubular Epithelial Cells Induces Cytotoxic and Inflammatory CD8 + T Cells".
11th May - New Publication
We are happy to announce a further publication of CRC 1192 titled: "The Amphiregulin/EGFR axis protects from lupus nephritis via downregulation of pathogenic CD4 + T helper cell responses" in the Journal Autoimmunity.